Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Post Season

Even though their season ended, the time the Trinity Women's basketball team spent together did not. Five girls spent spring break together and others kept in touch the whole week. Once spring break ended and everyone was back on campus, they hung out every weekend (and continue to do so) celebrating birthdays, finished papers and anything else they can think of to spend time together. Along with team building they are working to build their talent as well. Coach has post season individual meetings with all the members on the team explaining strengths and weaknesses to each player. The girls then work on making their weaknesses strongers and perfecting their strengths. They have open gym three times a week. The girls also work out together as various times of the day in order to stay conditioned. The post season is busy for the coaches as well. This is the busiest time of year for recruiting. This is when the new recruits decide to commit to the school or not. Recruits are brought in from all over the country. They stay overnight with members of the team to see if they like the atmosphere or not. So far, there are five players committed to joining the team next year. Hopefully they are working just as hard in the off season as the returning players are.

Some girls on the team took a trip to South Padre for the weekend
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

SCAC Tournament

The end of February for college basketball teams is crunch time and the Trinity lady tigers were no exception. They had been preparing the whole month and battled their way into the Southern Colliegate Athletic Conference tournament in Jackson, Mississippi. The Tigers went on a 4-0 winning run to end their regular season at home. This ending landed them as the second seed in the conference tournament. The bracket is split up into the east and west and therefore has two number one seeds. Trinity was the only team in the whole conference to beat both number one seeds during the regular season. Trinity faced Rhodes College in the quarter final match up; they had beaten Rhodes by ten during the regular season. This time, Trinity won by a clear margin of victory greater than 20 points. Everyone on the team scored. Coach Bradley said, “it proved how deep of a bench we have, not every team in the conference can play every single person and still be victorious.” Unfortunately, Trinity fell to nationally ranked Depaw University who was also their conference rival. Depaw went on to win the conference tournament to deserve a bid in the NCAA tournament after ending Trinity’s season.
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